Africa Lizard Guide
Kruger Park Reptiles
The fascinating, yet sometimes misunderstood lizards of Africa are unique and diverse in shape, size and colour. The Africa Lizard Guide is the ideal source of information pertaining to these scaly and tiny reptiles who are often found sunning on a rock or scavenging for insects through the dusty hills of the bushveld.
The Kruger National Park is home to various colorful lizards and geckos who are hard to find but fantastic to glimpse while on a guided safari walk or game drive. If you are a reptilian enthusiast, ask your game ranger to point out the park's small and elusive cold-blooded animals who you'll probably see on a sunny rock or shaded tree.

A large, thick-bodied plated lizard with a large, robust head. The back is reddish-brown with well-defined, black-edged, yellow dorsolatera...
The Flapped-Necked Chameleon is a large chameleon with a continuous crest of small, white, triangular tubercles on the throat and belly...
The Giant Plated Lizard is a large lizard with a flattened head and body. In adults, the back is dark brown to black. The throat is dirty wh...
It is necessary to view our lizards in the context of all the species of reptiles that inhabit the world.
The world's 6550 species of repti...
A large sandveld lizard with a blotched pattern in adults. Juveniles are blackish-brown on the back with 3 white longitudinal stripes. Adu...
Five-Lined Mabuya, Rainbow Skink or Rainbow – Mabuya [Trachylepis quinquetaeniata]. The Five-lined Mabuya is a large, beautifully coloured...
Sudan Plated Lizard, Great Plated Lizard or Rough-scaled Plated Lizard [Gerrhosaurus major]. The Sudan Plated Lizard is a large, stout lizar...
Southern Tree Agama, Black-necked Agama or Blue-throated Agama [Acanthocercus atricollis]. A very large agama with a broad head. Breeding m...
Spotted Sandveld Lizard [Nucras intertexta]. A large sandveld lizard, usually with a spotted back and an orange-brown tail. The back is lig...
Thick-Toed Gecko or Spotted Gecko [Pachydactylus maculates]. A small, gentle gecko with a fat body and a rounded snout. The back is grey to ...
Striped Skink, African Striped Skink [Trachylepsis striata]. This medium-sized skink has a window in each of the lower eyelids. The ear open...
Sundevalls Writhing Skink [Lygosoma sundevalli]. The body of this small burrowing skink is light brown to grey, usually with a dark spot at ...
Variable Skink (Mabuya varia) - A medium-sized skink with a rounded snout and a window in each lower lid. Colouration is variable; the back ...
The Wahlbergs Velvet Gecko is a large velvet gecko. The back is light to dark grey-brown, usually with irregular pale and dark crossbars, an...
The White-throated Monitor is a very large, stout lizard with strong, stocky limbs and sharp claws. The head has a bulbous snout, with slit-...