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Game Drive around Olifants in the Southern Mopaneveld

...©Roger de la HarpeIn the Olifants area look out for Animals Elephant Lion Hippo Crocodile Baboon Birds Martial eagle Green-backed heron Trumpeter hornbill Black stork Red-winged starlingAround the Olifants rugged veld are a number..

A Dream Come True

...The biggest benefit of the helicopter is that it buys time for the guys on the ground. Kruger is enormous and a lot of it is inaccessible from the ground...

Six Rhinos for Marakele

...The ground crew, under the leadership of Marius Kruger, moved into high gear to take blood samples, microchip the animal and measure its horns...


...GazaniaGazaniaName Terracotta Gazania Latin Name Gazania krebsiana Description This particular plant grows flat against the surface of the ground and almost looks like a small spot of sunshine in the veld...

Ground Morning Glory

...Ground Morning GloryGround Morning GloryName Ground Morning Glory Latin Name Ipomoea pellita Description Ground Morning Glory leaves vary a great deal in shape...

Wild Elephants Respond To Vibrations In The Earth

...vibrations could include special nerves in the elephant's feet (which have yet to be described by scientists) or by using some of the many nerves in the trunk when the trunk is placed on the ground...

Scops Owl

...When these birds are disturbed during the day, the can elongate their bodies and lean sideways, which will help them resemble the branches on which they roost.HabitatScrub and bush, woodland with sparse ground cover...

Golden Cleome

...Habitat The Golden Cleome is quite common along roadsides and in disturbed ground and is widespread...


...Tsessebe also rub the sides of their faces on the ground, usually on a termite mound or on a sandy patch, dropping to their knees to do so. Both sexes horn the ground, especially after rain...

Estimating Herbaceous Biomass Across Kruger Using Satellite Imagery

...The team is hoping to establish a relationship between the information about vegetation that is visible from satellite images and what is actually growing on the ground...

Elephants To Cull or Not to Cull That is the Question

...Hornbill and Pel's Fishing owl find large-enough nesting holes in which to breed?..


...They are the only bovid who scrape the ground before and after urination and defecation. The males are known to use roads and telephone lines as boundaries. They have excellent hearing...

Elephants Feel it in Their Feet

...The same call was wired up to a buried ground shaker, and played only through the ground.Above ground microphones ensured the call was not audible in the air...

What Needs An Environmental Impact Assessment

...Some of the activities that require an EIA Changing grazing land to any other form of agriculture Changing land zoned for agriculture or a similar zoning to any other land use Cultivating or using virgin ground for any other reason...


...They feed by sweeping the ground with their noses and walking in a zigzag fashion. They travel up to as far as 16km in search of food a night. They eat by taking apart termite hills with their powerful claws...

Small Grey Mongoose

...Bushy tails, same colour as the body coats, are always held horizontal to the ground. Legs are dark brown, almost black. Muzzles are relatively long.DietSmall rodents are the most important item in their diet...

Other Mammals in Kruger National Park

...Find out more about the fascinating Cape Golden Mole Mountain Ground SquirrelThe Mountain Ground Squirrel has previously been considered as a subspecies of the Cape Ground Squirrel...

Spider-hunting Wasps

...In our region, the most familiar species are the larger orb web spinners - (Genera - Nephila and Argiope) - and the big, ground dwelling rain spiders (Palystes) and baboon spiders...

Grey-headed Gull

...Eggs 2 - 3, ground colour blue-green to rich brown with variable dark brown blotches...

Interesting Cloud Formation

...Interesting Cloud FormationInteresting Cloud Formation"It is difficult to gauge the height of these clouds from this photo, but they look about 5000-8000ft above ground level. This would make them stratocumulus...

Baby Blue, Now I Know That I'm Still in Love with You

...Despite its minute size and dull brown ground colour, it is quite a visually striking discovery due to the bright orange spots on the hindwing...


...By using their acute hearing the Aardwolf is able to detect termites in the ground and then using their broad, sticky tongue they lap them up...

Studying Trees and Grass from the Sky

...I went into the field, always in the company of an armed guard - just in case we met a lion or so, and took ground-truthing points with the GPS.'..

All Eyes on You

...All Eyes on YouAll Eyes on YouA fifth member to this genus is the eyed pansy, Junonia orithya madagascariensis with striking blue on a black ground colour...

Man Dies in Suspected Buffalo Attack

...According to the Hoedspruit Police, two farm workers on the property reportedly heard a scream at about 19h00, and on going to investigate, found Munks lying on the ground about 40 metres from the house...

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Kruger National Park - South African Safari