African Flowers Guide

African flowers guide to wild flowers found in Kruger National Park and South Africa. This flower guide includes descriptions, images and the latin names of the flowers in Kruger Park.

Devils Thorn

Small annual herb with trailing stems. The leaves of the Devils Thorn are opposite and toothed; flowers are pink-mauve in colour and trumpet-shaped...

Flame Lily

A climbing herb with glossy leaves which have twining tips which coil onto nearby bushes, in this way Flame Lily can use other plants as a support. The plant...

Impala Lily

Impala Lily flowers mainly in July, but will also bloom as late as mid-September in places where it is cultivated. Flower size is about ± 5 cm across...

Krantz Aloe

A multi-stemmed aloe with thick, yellow-green leaves. The leaves of Krantz Aloe are usually sharply toothed on the margins and are very juicy with a yellowish, slimy sap...

Kudu Lily

A succulent shrub with a swollen stem and trailing branches armed with spines. The leaves of Kudu Lily are glossy green in colour with wavy margins. The flowering...

Lebombo Aloe

Short-stemmed aloe with narrow, strap-like leaves; the leaves of Lebombo Aloe are pale green or brick-red in colour when in full sun. They are also sharply toothed on...

Leopard Orchid

Epiphytic orchid with roots anchored on the branch of a tree, often in full sunlight. Leopard Orchid are fragrant yellow flowers, sometimes spotted brown, appear in August to September...

Lucky Bean Creeper

The Lucky Bean Creeper pods of this slender vine split open to reveal attractive scarlet and black seeds which are known as Lucky beans. They cling to the plant for a long period, being conspicuous during winter. Pod size: ± 7 cm...

Monkeys Tail

Wispy green leaves appear at the tips in spring of Monkeys Tail. Flowers follow in early summer, about November. Flower size ± 5cm long...

Mountain Aloe

Mountain Aloe are tall, single-stemmed tree aloe with fleshy, blue-grey leaves, armed with small spines; they also contain a yellowish, slimy sap. The sap has been used to treat stomach ailments for many centuries...

River Crinum

River Crinum is a robust lily with dark green, strap-like leaves with wavy margins. Snow white or pale pink, bell-shaped flowers appear in early summer; the buds are striped pink...

River Vernonia

River Vernonia is a bushy shrub with broad oval leaves with wavy margins. Fluffy, pale lilac flowers in dense terminal clusters appear in autumn...

Water Hyacinth

An aquatic plant with fleshy green leaves and a swollen petiole. The flowers are mauve in colour. The Water Hyacinth is a rampant invasive alien from Tropical America which smothers water surfaces...

Wild Hibiscus

One of several yellow-flowered hibiscus typified by 5 large petals and branched style. The pretty Wild Hibiscus are slender shrubs or small trees with rough leaves and branches...

Wild Foxglove

Tall annual herb with erect stems. Wild Foxglove Leaves are opposite, are 3-lobed and toothed. Flowers are pale pink or white in colour, elongate and trumpet-shaped...

Wild Dagga

Wild Dagga are sparse shrub with tall, 4-angled stems which are square in cross-section. The leaves are in pairs, may be narrow or broad and are toothed; they are often hairy...

Kruger National Park - South African Safari