Africa Grass Guide

An information guide on the grass species found in Kruger National Park. This Africa Grass Guide includes facts, images and the Latin names of the grasses as well as where they can be found.

Cats Tail

The inflorescence of Cats Tail grass is sometimes used in flower arrangements. Due to the few leaves, it is seldom grazed. It is sometimes a weed in disturbed places, but is easy to control mechanically...

Common Finger Grass

Common Finger Grass length up to 1.8 m. Tufted perennial with 14 mm leaf blades. An inflorescence with 3 to 15 spikes, in one or two whorls, can be seen at the culm tip. The lower part of the plant is usually hairy...

Creeping Bristle Grass

The Creeping Bristle Grass grows up to a height of 0,5 m. A short, perennial creeping grass, or sometimes a tufted grass. Rhizomes are short. Leaves are mostly concentrated at the base...

Curly Leaf Grass

Length up to 1 m. The broad Curly Leaf grass is a perennial grass. Dry leaves are open and curled. Inflorescence is a panicle with the lower branches arranged in a whorl...

Fine Thatching Grass

Length up to 2 m tall. Fine Thatching Grass is a perennial grass. Utilization of this grass is by all tall-grass feeders. Pairs of raceme has one or two long, thin...

Foxtail Buffalo Grass

Foxtail Buffalo Grass length up to 1 m. Tufted perennial with 8 mm leaf blades. Inflorescence is a dense cylindrical spike. This type of grass is palatable and is favoured by grazing herbivores.

Guinea Grass

Tufted perennial with 30 mm leaf blades. Inflorescence is an open panicle. Guinea Grass are highly palatable and favoured by all grazing herbivores. Spikelets are green to purple...

LM Grass

A creeping perennial grass which thrive in shade and is the most popular lawn grass in Lowveld gardens. The inflorescence of LM Grass has 2 or 3 spikes at the tip. Leaves are dark green...

Nine Awned Grass

Nine Awned Grass length up to 1 m. The leaves and culms are covered with dense, velvety hairs. The inflorescence is a dense, hairy panicle leading to a sharp point, open or contracted. The nodes are densely hairy...

Red Grass

Red Grass length up to 1,5 m.A tufted perennial with 8 mm leaf blades. The inflorescence is a false panicle of drooping, V-shaped spikes. The grass is palatable in summer, but turns red and brittle in winter...

Spear Grass

Length up to 1 m. Spear Grass is a perennial and quite a fast-growing grass. Utilization is by most grazers. Inflorescence a single green raceme (often hairy) with long, brown, velvety, intertwined awns. Leaf...

Stinking Grass

A perennial tufted grass with a spreading, shrub-like growth form (not erect). The leaves and inflorescences of Stinking Grass are aromatic when crushed. The leaves are blue-green...

Vlei Bristle Grass

A densely perennial tufted grass with short, thick rhizomes. Inflorescence of Vlei Bristle Grass is a dense, spike-like panicle, often with a sharp point. Leaf sheath is long and round. It occurs throughout tropical Africa...

Yellow Thatching Grass

Tall, tufted perennial with 12 mm leaf blades. Yellow Thatching Grass length up to 3 m. Inflorescence are purplish-red with yellow awns. Leaf sheath has prominent auricles, with unbranched culms...

Kruger National Park - South African Safari