Shangaan Perspective

© Nigel J Dennis

Over 40 decades ago some of the Shangaan people made their living through hunting game. It was not easy for their children to get a proper education. The only thing that was on their mind was to study the behaviour and tracks of different animals around them.

The following beliefs arose from the Shangaan's close association with the elephants around them:

  • If a person dreamt of elephants in a good mood it was considered a sign from the ancestors. That particular person would experience good luck
  • When an elephant chased you or showed signs of aggressive behaviour, it was a sign of bad luck.
  • When a cow chased you and raised her forefoot to show you her breast it was a sign of bad luck and one of your family members would probably die

We consider elephants as the beautiful and calm creatures of this planet. Let us fight against poaching of elephant and save the elephant.

By Tswilene

Learn more about the Shangaan culture

Kruger National Park - South African Safari