
Cape Clawless Otter [Aonyx Capensis]


The Cape Clawless Otter is a robust animal and is both nocturnal and diurnal, often found away from water. They feed on crabs, molluscs, fish, birds and a range of rodents and amphibians. They have an acute sense of smell and well-developed canines.

Vital Statistics

Weight (Female)
10 - 18 kg

Weight (Male)
10 - 18 kg

Length (Female)
± 130 cm

Length (Male)
± 130 cm

Gestation Period
2 months

No of Young
2 - 3 cubs




1 (sometimes 2) young are born throughout the year after a gestation period of ± 9 weeks. The female has 2 pairs of breast mammae.

Spoor Description

The Cape Clawless Otter has 5 toes on the fore- and hind-feet. Those on the hind-feet are webbed for half their length, while webbing on the fore-feet is barely perceptible. In soft mud the 5 toes, the intermediate pads and the proximal pads show clearly in the spoor. In firm mud only an indication of the proximal pads may show.
Kruger National Park - South African Safari