The Story Of The Seven Little Piglets….In Church

Kruger Park News Archive

©Izak Smit & Carl Louwrens

Staff and visitors have become accustomed to seeing two warthog sows and seven little piglets roaming the Skukuza staff village.

In fact, most of us will secretly admit that we are always fervently searching for every last piglet when we see the family on their knees around the Skukuza staff shop or swimming pool.

Two weeks ago Ben, gardener of the NG church in Skukuza, heard a strange noise coming from the church building as he was watering the flowerbeds. He called for pastor Carl Louwrens to come and exorcise whatever beast was trapped in the church.

When Carl opened the door two rather "annoyed" warthogs stormed out, tails straight up, followed by one, two, three... seven little piglets!

Carl realised that this religious swine family must have slipped into the cool church for a nap while Ester was cleaning the office and only briefly turned her back on the open door. The door mysteriously closed behind the sleeping beasties. Considering the damage done to some of the doors inside the church, it was a good thing that Ben heard the noise only a few hours after closing the door on one of the best known families in Skukuza.

So, what lessons are to be learnt from this true story? You can find peace and quiet in the Skukuza church, you can get in serious trouble if you fall asleep, all visitors are most welcome! And of course, a house built with bricks with a foundation on rock is safer from the hyenas out there than a house built with straw, wood or storm water pipes. And he huffed and he puffed......

All Skukuza residents, as well as visitors to the park, are warmly invited to attend the Good Friday (21 March) and Easter Sunday (23 March) services at 08h30 in the church. Services are held every Sunday at 08h30 in the church and all are most welcome to attend - minding the story of the seven little piglets, just be sure not to fall asleep!

By Izak Smit

Skukuza Rest Camp

Skukuza Rest Camp in Kruger National Park is a popular rest camp situated in the heart of Big Five territory and is easily accessed by road ...more
Kruger National Park - South African Safari