World Malaria Report 2013 Fact Sheet

Updated info on Malaria statistics and a travelling precautions guide for visiting Kruger National Park.
According to the World Malaria Report 2013 Fact Sheet, the fight against Malaria made phenomenal progress as an estimate of 3.3 million lives have been saved between 2000 and 2012.

What is Malaria?

Malaria is the contagion of red blood cells caused by single-celled organisms. The most common vector of the disease is a mosquito as it is usually transmitted by the bite of a female Anopheles. Malaria symptoms are often mistaken for influenza - fever, body aches, headaches, fatigue, chills, nausea and vomiting. The gestation period - the stage before malaria infection displays symptoms - ranges from 12 to 18 days after the initial. In many cases it takes 18 to 80 days before the symptoms become visible.

Treatments and Interventions

The increase of malaria interventions within WHO African regions decreased the number of Malaria incidences by 31%. The number of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) that were delivered to malaria-endemic countries in sub- Saharan Africa were 136 million in 2013, huge in comparison to the 70 million that were delivered in 2012 . During 2014, 200 million LLINs are subsidized to be released.

In 2012, 4% of the global population protected themselves from the disease with the help of base spray.

Malaria and Game parks

Game parks are often affiliated with malaria as the area is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Before you visit the Kruger National Park, make sure that you get anti-malaria prophylactics to reduce the risk of being infected with the disease. The malaria risk at Kruger is very low. However, visitors are advised to remain indoors during after dark to the risk.

Be aware that most mosquitoes are not vectors of the disease, therefore the threat of infection should not spoil your stay at the Kruger National Park.

Reference List

World Malaria Report Fact Sheet 2013

What is Malaria?
Kruger National Park - South African Safari